Business Analysis

Technovate is an industry leader in the delivery of business analysis activities within the Australian Government domain. The mission of Technovate is to promote innovation via technology through its provisioning of business analysis services.

Technovate is owned and operated by experienced Business Analysts.  Our Managing Director, Bryce Undy, is a Board member of the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) – Australia Chapter, and a leader in the Canberra Business Analysis professional community.  We understand the importance of maintaining the highest standards in professional delivery of services and are fully committed to this outcome.

Technovate maintains a high level of quality in the engagements of its consultants the use of Standards and Governance.

Standards:  Professional Certification is an important component of quality assurance of Technovate consultants.  Therefore, all practicing Technovate business analysts are members of the IIBA and either holds a current professional certification or is in the process of pursuing certification.  This ensures that all Technovate Business Analysts adhere to the BABOK v3  Standards.

BABOK v3 Knowledge Areas

Governance:  Our governance model ensures a consistently high quality outcome for our clients.  It provides for structured reviews, at a regularity of your choosing, of the business analyst consultants’ performance.  These reviews are to ensure that they are performing at a high standard of quality and delivering the expected outcomes.  We will also use these reviews to identify service improvement and innovation opportunities.

Technovate is the engagement conduit between high skilled business analysts and our client’s projects. As part of this model of engagement, Technovate provides capable and experienced business analyst consultants whose skills and knowledge are constantly enhanced via continued investment in training and upskilling.

Technovate provides a full career development pathway for our Business Analysts consultants. Technovate continues to provide for training for our consultants.

Technovate can also provide an assessment of your business analysis capabilities.  This can be at a project level, to assist in ensuring consistency in standards, quality and project artefacts, or at the Enterprise level.